Austerity involved a massive transfer of
wealth from the lower and middle classes to
global capital. This has given rise to a rapid rise
in inequality within Europe and the US, pointed
to by the economist Thomas Picketty. But it is
not an accident: it is the purpose for which the
European elite are pursuing austerity
What the European elite have not realised,
however, is that something has changed for
ordinary Europeans. The emergence in Greece,
Spain and now Ireland of new movements and
political parties opposed to this elite has given
them hope and confidence to stand up to the
juggernaut of austerity. Europe has blocked a
deal to alleviate the debt burden and austerity
on Greece, but Syriza has indicated it will start
to roll back on aspects of austerity.
What is clear is that Merkel’s mantra “There
is no alternative to austerity and debt slavery
and impoverishment for the PIIGS” is being
fundamentally challenged.