Monday, 16 February 2015

People's News 119: 15 February 2015

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Table of Contents - Peoples News 119.

P1. Greeks seek to control their fate. While the new Greek Government has yet to talk of leaving the European Union or the eurozone an erstwhile high priest of free markets and former head of the US central bank, Alan Greenspan, has predicted that Greece will have to leave the eurozone.

P3. The Dáil votes against an EU debt conference! Last week, a Technical Group Motion calling for a European debt conference was defeated by 72 votes to 42 in the Dáil. 

P4. EU trade secrets proposal - a threat to freedom of speech! The European Parliament has commenced consideration of a European Commission proposal on the protection of company secrets.

P5. Not so loony! That infamous “loony of the left” Tony Benn was forecasting developments such as TTIP as far back as the early 70s.

P5. Are public services on the block at TISA talks? Another leaked paper made public last week on the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) negotiations shows that there is – at the very least - ambiguity surrounding the assurances given by the EU about the protection of public services in trade agreements.


P6. French Senators reject ISDS. French Senators have unanimously adopted a draft resolution on the dispute resolution mechanism (ISDS) between the state and foreign investors foreseen by TTIP and CETA.

P7Scrap TTIP and CETA Protest. A big ‘Thank you’ to all who helped make our ‘Scrap TTIP and CETA’ Protest at the EU Parliament offices in Dublin a success.

P7. Debate: TTIP, What is it and should we be worried?


P7. What’s the difference between Iceland and Ireland – its more than one letter anyway! Iceland’s Supreme Court has upheld convictions of market manipulation for four former executives of the failed Kaupthing bank.

P7. Why not have a look at the Peoples Movement Facebook page and become a friend?

P7. Phew, that was easy! Professor John Fitzgerald got far too easy a ride when he appeared before the Oireachtas Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis. 

P8. Another important TTIP document has been leaked and it just gets worse! This time, it’s a chapter concerning dispute settlement: ISDS. 

P10. Germany moves towards fracking. After a long debate over the use of fracking technology in Germany, the federal government issued a draft law allowing the controversial gas extraction method under certain conditions and in isolated cases.

P11. Juncker’s ideas for Eurozone integration. At last week’s European Council summit, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker presented an ‘analytical note’ with ideas on how to strengthen integration in the Eurozone.

P11. EU – wide tax shelved - for now! Plans to increase the EU's so-called "own-resources" have been postponed.

P12. The Oireachtas is failing to control Ministers on EU issues – a complete lack of accountability!

P13. Neo-liberal Structural Reform Myths. The intellectual case against austerity is easy to make because so much empirical data is stacked up against it.






Tuesday, 3 February 2015

People's News 118

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Page 1

EU may take another blow to its legitimacy

Page 1

TEEU warns against corporations being given the power to dictate to Governments

Page 3

Meeting in Galway on TTIP and CETA

Page 3 

Scrap TTIP and CETA demonstration - 4th February

Page 3

Is QE another blow for euro?

Page 4 

Scary stuff

Page 4

Surely not

Page 5

Greece will not be taken for granted

Page 5

Germany's past must be confronted

Page 7

Greek election strengthens Canadian opposition to CETA 

Page 8

A roadmap to corporate plunder

Page 8

Lobbying organisations' culture of secrecy

Page 11

British politician highlights EU/Partition contradiction

Page 12

"Light" and "darkness according to Brussels

Page 13

ECB intensifies power grab

Page 14

New Greek PM at national shrine to resistance

Sunday, 1 February 2015

People's News 117

Contents PN 117

P1. Austrian Chancellor issues threat! Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann has warned that Austria could file a lawsuit before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) over EU’s intention to sign the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

P1. Brussels seeks to extend "economic governance" reach. During the last years of economic crisis, Brussels has moved to expand its power at the expense of the sovereignty of the member states.

P2. No decision on ISDS until the end of TTIP talks. The EU won’t decide whether to include the investor- state-dispute-settlement (ISDS) clause in TTIP until the “final phase of the negotiations” with the US.


P3. “All market and no social” – ETUC! Commenting on the European Commission’s statement on its work programme, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) said: “There is not a single proposal to improve worker, consumer or environmental protection.”


P3. Asia pushes ahead while Brussels dawdles. The European Commission has been desperately trying to put flesh on the bones of EU President Juncker’s flagship €315 billion investment plan to kick start EU economies.


P4. Results of Commissions TTIP on- line consultation published. Over 97 percent of submissions in an on-line consultation on TTIP conducted by the EU Commission, were opposed to the inclusion ISDS.

P5. ECJ - Draft agreement on the accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is not compatible with EU law.

P6. Falling euro - a cause for concern? European manufacturers are happy with the falling value of the single currency, which allows them to export their goods more easily. But the mood is tempered by the threat of deflation

P7. Farmers protest against TTIP. In the run- up to Christmas, farmers and trade unionists were protesting in Brussels against TTIP.

P7. OMT OK! – ECJ Advocate General! The ECJ’s top legal advisor, the Advocate General of the ECJ (EU Court of Justice) has found that the ECB’s Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme is compatible in principle with EU law if certain conditions are met.

P8. Now online - EU negotiating texts in TTIP. A final agreement would have 24 chapters, grouped together in 3 parts.

P8. Canadian tar sands oil won’t be labelled ‘dirty’ – the hidden hand of CETA! Just before Christmas, the EU Parliament passed by just 12 votes controversial fuel quality rules that do not penalise imports of polluting tar sands oil from Canada.

P9. Another step to a banking union! The Single European Mechanism (SRM) will be launched over the next three months, with the aim of rescuing or winding up stricken banks with minimal recourse to taxpayers’ money.

P10. Lithuania joins eurozone. Lithuania has become the 19th member of the eurozone.

P11. Opposition to the euro increases in Southern Europe - anti-euro parties hold around half of the vote in Italy.

P11. The situation in Greece. With Greek elections on 25 January which see the possibility of Syriza party form the next Greek government, the debt debate rather than Greek exit from the eurozone has returned to the centre of European politics.

P13. The results of the Commission’s on-line consultation on ISDS – Infographics

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