Monday, 23 December 2013

People’s News 96

P 1 .“…. the welfare of the people as a whole?” “Ireland holds the undesirable position of being the only country currently undergoing a banking crisis that features among the top-ten of costliest banking crises along all three dimensions [..fiscal cost, increase in debt and output loss..].
P 2 . Brussels Summit takes another step towards forming a Euro Army – Lisbon in action! British and French warplanes and other military assets will be handed over to the European Union under sweeping plans to create what many believe will become a “Euro Army”.
P 3. Merkel supports EU treaty change Angela Merkel in a speech to the Bundestag ahead of the EU summit appeared to be calling for EU treaty change.
P 3 . EADS Chief calls for EU Drone budget  Tom Enders, chief executive of EADS, Europe’s biggest defence and aerospace company said that the EU needed to commit money and agree a timeline for developing and building a military drone.
P 4 . Troika consultancies: another fiddle? Alvarez and Marsal, BlackRock, Oliver Wyman, Pimco: ever heard of them? Bet not!
P 5 . Partnership for Profits. As European and Canadian trade officials continue negotiating an investment protection chapter in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), civil society groups are demanding that this chapter be removed entirely as an affront to democracy.

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